This is the case that happened recently in Philippine and it's about the government agancy ,Technical Education and Skills Authority, was hacked by hackers before this case, hackers also hacked the Department of health, Department of social welfare and development, National disaster coordinating council, and Department of Labor and Employment.
Malaccan warned over the series of hacking attacks on government websites, also expresses new concern regarding to security of coming election in May.
Deputy presidential spokesman said "this is great concert for the authorities in Philippine because it's happening all over the country and it is a matter of information policy within goverment."
Moreover, base on the information, hackers leave the messages referring to a young new cadre who was killed last December and also hackers made the site automatically jump into another page, a job announcement supposedly from Ventured that inviting technicians across the country to be part of it team. Following the attack Oliver urged the commission on Elections and other agencies to take action for securing their websites.
My Comment
base on this case you can see how cyber crime can be dangerous not only to the individual but also the whole country. This case and similar cases comes under public law issue and it is known as Cyber crimes against government that has serious consequences if necessary actions are not taken.
"Security of Govt Websites Highlighted in Hacking Incidents." Web. 07 Oct. 2010. .
Thanks for sharing this news,it shows that election based on internet could be more dangerous than traditional one ,and probably cheating can be done more easily by hackers,however , technically speaking,Internet poll is more convenient and economical tools compare to manual ones.